Saturday, March 7, 2020

Fighting Digital Piracy essays

Fighting Digital Piracy essays The many forms of software piracy and the techniques to combat them that exist today are not only morally wrong and unfair, but it benefits no one by threatening both the producers and consumers way of life forever. Pirates continue to hack software constantly, driving major companies and record labels to strive harder to find ways to stop them. It is a never-ending race that will eventually result in the destruction of both the consumer and producer. One of the most prominent forms of piracy in todays society is the sharing of music files and CDs online. This is one of the more well-known kinds of piracy today, with strong ties to the legal issues involving record companies, artists, and the people who buy the music. Millions of people on the internet every day share files with each other that were ripped from music CDs only each individual was licensed to have. Many people would argue that illegally copying music is morally wrong, yet many of those still continue to do it. Our society has reached the point that it does not matter if it is okay how you get something, only that you get it for free. From the consumers point of view, it makes perfect sense to copy and share music with everyone you can reach over the internet. It is no different than allowing a friend to come over to the house to listen to a new CD. Would those who argue sharing is morally wrong say that people should forbid others from hearing their CDs? People borrow each others CDs all the time. People who know they can just get the CD from their friends are less likely to buy it, but you do not see record companies jumping all over people who share the physical CDs. One might say that allowing a couple of friends to borrow a CD is much different than allowing everyone who can connect to the internet to use it, but where is the line drawn? There is no established number of people that are allowed access to someones CD. The l...

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